Eternium can you play with your friends
Eternium can you play with your friends

eternium can you play with your friends

But if by any chance you don't have any idea of what Minecraft is, it is essentially an open-world LEGO game. In this article, I will give you 10 of those games, from a variety of genres, that you should download and try out. After all, there are a lot of high-quality and addicting offline games in the Google Play Store that are up to par with the most popular online franchises out there. For this reason, I think it is always wise to store at least one or two offline games on our smartphones. But of course, when blackouts or internet outage strikes, we have all wished that we can spend our time in the dark playing offline games. In turn, most of us, myself included, start to take offline games for granted and deleted them off our phones. It also doesn't help that the current COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to stay home, granting us access to WiFi 24/7. In the era of multiplayer online games, the popularity of offline games has unfortunately taken a massive downturn in the past few years. Here are 10 offline games on Play Store that are highly entertaining time-consumers.

eternium can you play with your friends eternium can you play with your friends

Not all Android games are multiplayer or online.

Eternium can you play with your friends